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How can I change the dvd region while I can't click the 'dvd info' on dvd player?

Hi all,

I want to change the region code for a dvd, from code 3 to 1.

I already googled and tried pretty much everything, including the one on Apple Support.

As its instruction, I opened DVD Player and tried to click 'dvd info', but it's just unclickable. I tried to open the dvd that I'd like to change, but the DVD Player said that I can't open it because the file format is not available. (FYI, there is a mp4 and a pdf file in that dvd, is that because of the pdf file?)

Are there any other ways I can change the region code?

Or can anyone tell me how to make the 'dvd info' button clickable?

Thank you.


[관리자에 의해 편집되었습니다.]

iMac, macOS Sierra (10.12.6)

게시일: 2017. 11. 16 오전 11:03


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How can I change the dvd region while I can't click the 'dvd info' on dvd player?

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