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Regarding time restriction to reactivate apple music’a iCloud

Dear person who may concern,

Hope this finds you well.

I am contacting you to report a difficulty to use 2apple account.

Due to lack of the service contents jn korea, I have used both apple account in US and Korea with different user information.(i mean e-mail address)

I believe you already well aware that there have been a lot of users who are using more than one apple user account for the access to the various itunes stores over the world.

I had no issue one this issue but today I found you have restricted to activate iCould music to change account. To activate it We need to wait 90 days to listen the music list that I have used in US MARKET.

I strongly complain on this restriction and think this is ridi****us action, with meaning less effect.

No grounds I could think of on this restriction. So, can you please explain why Apple set up this new restriction and how to resolve this difficulties who are definitely innocent but wanted to utilize your service well.

Look forward to hearing from you.


나의 iPhone에서 보냄

게시일: 2018. 6. 22 오전 12:47

댓글: 1

Regarding time restriction to reactivate apple music’a iCloud

Apple 지원 커뮤니티에 오신 것을 환영합니다
Apple 고객이 제품에 대해 서로 도움을 주는 포럼입니다. Apple ID를 사용하여 시작해 보세요.