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Developing About Braille Display with Voiceover

Hello, I'm undergraduate programmer in Korea. I'm developing Braille Display based iOS(specially iPhone) with Arduino & BLE. and I found that several finds of display are supplied technologies with Voiceover from Apple. I want to know specification & protocol between Braille display and iPhone, but I couldn't catch related information.

Is anyone who know about Library or protocol specification? 😢😢 Thank you.

게시일: 2018. 10. 8 오후 10:41

질문이 다음과 같이 표시됨: 베스트 답글

게시일: 2018. 10. 9 오후 01:56

안녕하세요 Ryu_H님:

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Developing About Braille Display with Voiceover

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