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iCloud Drive does not sync for a particular account


Recently, I bought a MacBook Pro 13 and I am having the problem below.

Symptom: iCloud Drive does not sync for my account, but it works well for other devices(iPhone, iPad, Window lab-top)

What I did

  1. When I looked for cases which is similar to these symptom in the web, there were some cases. But there was not solution with the cases.
  2. According to the recommendation of the apple staff, I waited for an indexing process which is conducted in a new device for 3 days. But the process was not a cause of my case.
  3. When I logged in iCloud service with another account, iCloud drive worked well. I confirmed this with my several accounts.
  4. I had just files of 15 GB in iCloud Drive. After backup the files, I removed all files in iCloud Drive of the account. I thought there could be a problem with my files. But it is still.
  5. When I login the account with other device(my wife's MacBook), the problem was still.
  6. Of course, I followed the instructions in apple website with regard to iCloud Drive. But they didn't work.


I suspect this problem is with Catalina OS. This can be considered a data server or software problem and should be resolved quickly. I really hope this problem could be solved.


MacBook Pro 13", macOS 10.15

게시일: 2020. 4. 27 오전 12:47

질문이 다음과 같이 표시됨: 베스트 답글

게시일: 2020. 4. 27 오전 08:25

안녕하세요 DavidDavid님:

여기는 Apple (한국어) 유저들을 위한 커뮤니티 입니다.

한국어로 다시 질문을 올려주시면 더 많은 답변을 받으시는데 도움이 될 듯 싶습니다.

혹시 Apple (English)커뮤니티를 찾으시는 거라면, 아래 링크를 사용하시면 됩니다.


댓글: 1
질문이 다음과 같이 표시됨: 베스트 답글

DavidDavid 님에게 답변 2020. 4. 27 오전 08:25

안녕하세요 DavidDavid님:

여기는 Apple (한국어) 유저들을 위한 커뮤니티 입니다.

한국어로 다시 질문을 올려주시면 더 많은 답변을 받으시는데 도움이 될 듯 싶습니다.

혹시 Apple (English)커뮤니티를 찾으시는 거라면, 아래 링크를 사용하시면 됩니다.


iCloud Drive does not sync for a particular account

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