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Is it possible to get refund for apple music?

It’s been 2 days now after i subscribe apple music and I don’t want to use it. Can I request the refund?

iPhone XR, iOS 14

게시일: 2021. 10. 8 오후 10:21

질문이 다음과 같이 표시됨: 우수 답글

게시일: 2021. 10. 13 오후 07:23

Hello jongchan177,

Sure, you can. Please reference Request a refund for apps or content that you bought from Apple.

In addition, if you are an English speaker and want to post English questions, you can visit the English community.

I hope this solved your problem!

댓글: 1
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질문이 다음과 같이 표시됨: 우수 답글

jongchan177 님에게 답변 2021. 10. 13 오후 07:23

Hello jongchan177,

Sure, you can. Please reference Request a refund for apps or content that you bought from Apple.

In addition, if you are an English speaker and want to post English questions, you can visit the English community.

I hope this solved your problem!


Is it possible to get refund for apple music?

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