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[iPhone] Problem sorting photos in Camera Roll

Hey guys.

I tried several times to restore from an iPhone backup, but it kept getting the error and I gave up. So I just want to put the photo back on the iPhone.

I tried transfer photos through programs like iMazing, iExplorer, and Dr.fone, but I always ran into the problem of the reverse order of photos in the camera roll.

* I know that photos are sorted according to metadata in Photos app's library,

But what I want to do is fix the problem of sorting in reverse order in the camera roll, not the library.

The way I tried is as follows :

1. Put photos into the folder [MEDIA]-[DCIM]-[100APPLE], [101APPLE], [102APPLE]...

2. Delete the "Photos.sqlite", "Photos.sqlite-shm", and "Photos.sqlite-wal" files from the [MEDIA]-[Photo Data] folder.

3. Respring the iPhone.

4. After doing this, I can see the photos on camera roll of my iPhone.

But the problem is that the order of the photos is reversed.

For example, if I have photo files like this:

[100APPLE] = {IMG_0001, IMG_0002, ..., IMG_0999}


[109APPLE] = {IMG_9001, IMG_0002, ..., IMG_9999}

(These photos were taken with the iPhone, and the file name order and time order matches,

and this means that the IMG_0001 photo is the oldest photo and the IMG_9999 photo is the most recent one.)

As usual, there should be an IMG_0001 at the top and the first part of the camera roll, and an IMG_9999 at the bottom end.

But it is the opposite.

For the photos transfered, IMG_9999 at the top and IMG_0001 at the bottom.

So what I want is that when I transfer photos to my iPhone,

I see them from top to bottom in chronological order or filename in the camera roll.

If someone knows a solution, please help me.

Best regards.

게시일: 2020. 12. 3 오전 12:22

질문이 다음과 같이 표시됨: 베스트 답글

게시일: 2020. 12. 3 오전 08:18

안녕하세요 jemangelamangue님:

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댓글: 2

[iPhone] Problem sorting photos in Camera Roll

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